Normally I don’t like making plans because they never work out, but I like that they don’t. Still it doesn’t hurt to make a visual layout of what my next few months might look like before I embark on this long term adventure (with a brief but important interruption in between — friend’s wedding).
Tentative timeline of the months ahead:
You’ll see that I split up activities into “Daily,” things I do regularly, and “Trip Prep,” things I will do specifically to prepare for my trip. I’ll be blogging mostly about Trip Prep, with tidbits from my daily life because why should I keep all the funny things at the doggie daycare from you guys? (I currently work part time at a dog daycare where I spend my summer days in an air conditioned room with dogs of all shapes and slobber quantity.)
I don’t consider visiting China as part of my travels because it’s my second home. I lived there for 4.5 years, my parents and close friends still live there, so it will be a short visit to say hello, love you, see you before you know it!
Since I’m on the topic of goodbyes, let me leave you now with a poem my friend shared with me. It cleared up a lot of life questions and reassured me my next steps are right for me.
others’. -5!